You know it’s T-5 Days to the big day when its full House at the academy with robots and engaged students everywhere! FIRST FIRST Robotics Competition FirstLegoLeague Firstlikeagirl #omgrobots #STEMSquad #ShivaRobotics
Best Wishes to our teams advancing and getting well prepared for the Regional Championship on Feb 3! Go Teams Master Builders MB1, Master Builders MB2 and JEB Stuart Raiderbots! Communities In Schools of Jacksonville FIRST FIRST Robotics Competition #omgrobots#STEMsquad #ShivaRobotics Celebrating the success of Shiva Robotics Academy making it to the Jacksonville Business Journal Book of Lists. #ShivaRobotics Success is sweet and sweeter with robots and sweetest with these kids around! #ShivaRobotics That goosebump moment when all the 3 teams we coach for this tournament, are ranked in first, second and third place in Robot Performance! What more can Shiva Robotics Academy Teachers ask for? Teachers? Nah, we prefer to be called Educational Rockstars 🤩 #ShivaRobotics Walking into the weekend like a champ with 3 of our FLL teams taking part in Edward Waters College qualifiers, FLL Jr team at Bank of AmericaOutreach, FTC team Judgement Day at Paxon School for Advanced Studies. Let’s nail it! #ShivaRobotics Most of these boys in Master Builders MB2 team learnt to build their very first robot in our summer camp 2017. So happy and proud of their accomplishment today: Bid to Regionals + Robot Performance Award + Championship Award. They stayed positive, worked hard and made it happen! #ShivaRobotics Girl power at the winter camp! Thanks to Astronaut StarBright and AstroBot Kaitlyn for constantly inspiring more girls to take up STEM. #ShivaRobotics
AuthorCoach K - Hi Parents, this section keeps you updated of the activities at our academy. Archives
November 2022